Rick Bunker, long time friend and collector, made this video in 2008 of my first artist's book, "Private Cosmology", from 1998. The artwork shown is both the frontispiece from "Animal Nature" my second edition book. The original book is in the collections of the Brooklyn Museum, the Otis Library Special Collections, Banff Center Artists' Book Archive, Rutger's University Alexander Library Special Collections, and (of course) the collection of Rick Bunker.
"Private Cosmology" as read by Rick Bunker
Sarah Stengle
Create book of life? Share library collection on-line?
Wouldn't it be an awwwsome joy
to do your magnificent craft in
Seventh-Heaven? Yet, what art
thou doing to promote the Trinity
and live at peace insteadOpieces?
Solution? Lemme ask a question:
Q: where dost thou findest THE truth,
my just and worthy liege??
A: not from the L nor the R in this
feeble, fallible, finite existence.
I assume you know what a NDEr is:
millions around the world have
experienced as I went through.
'Follow us Uppastairs by honoring
the Mudda of God if you don'ta do
nthn else, kapiche, wiseguy??' -sez
the sauve, savvy, Sicilian Carnivæl
Barker (aint sHe anti-establishment?)
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